Wellness Care is an Important Part of Your Healthcare
Why Wellness Care Is Important
We live in an age of technological advances that many of us would have never thought possible. From smartphones to recreational space travel, the 21st Century has seen huge leaps in what the human race can accomplish. Some modern “advances” that have developed over the past century like fast food and processed food laden with chemicals may be convenient, but may also be incredibly harmful to our bodies. However, during this same period, we have learned more and more about what it takes to keep the body healthy and what types of foods are truly beneficial to us. So it is an interesting point in time regarding health and wellness: there are so many poor healthy choices available for us all to make, but there is also a wealth of information on how to live the healthiest life possible.
The Wellness Revolution
This intersection of knowledge and technology about our health has led to something that can be called the “Wellness Revolution.” There have always been fad diets and exercise routines that come and go. But today, an increasing number of people are seeking out ways to obtain a healthy lifestyle instead of buying 30-minute workout videos. People are more inclined to monitor important markers of their health such as body composition, blood pressure, and lab results than they have been in the past when many people avoided the doctor at all costs. Vegetarian, vegan, and raw food restaurants are easier to find than ever, and organic and non-GMO foods are standard fare for many grocery shoppers.
Making Wellness Care Part of Your Health Care
It’s truly incredible that as a society we are working harder to live healthier. But how do you know that you are healthy? You can make a lot of healthy choices on your own, but it’s still important to consult with professionals to make sure you’re on the right track. This is where wellness care comes in. Wellness care is defined as a variety of services provided by physicians that help you see a detailed picture of your health. Through screening and lab tests, wellness care can identify potential health problems before they become bigger problems.
Annual Check Ups at Ravenswood Chiropractic in Chicago
Wellness care begins with the annual checkup. Visiting the doctor once a year for a physical and routine blood work is absolutely essential. Many health problems don’t have obvious symptoms and can’t be discovered until a doctor looks closely at test results. Here at Ravenswood Chiropractic & Wellness Center we can offer other annual checkups beyond the standard physical.
Blood testing is an absolutely essential component of nutritional general health analysis for detecting small problems and imbalances before they become large problems that threaten your health. We can use blood testing to rule out possible conditions or diagnose other conditions. Our functional medicine team can then use these results to discover how changes in your diet or nutritional supplements may benefit you. Addressing smaller developing problems is much more efficient (and less costly) than waiting until more pronounced symptoms develop. Blood testing can help us with this early detection.
A chiropractic checkup can help you keep your spine healthy and catch any potential problems before they cause serious pain. Even if you are experiencing mild to moderate neck or back pain, an annual chiropractic checkup can let you know if more frequent visits could benefit you.
A physical therapy checkup is important to keep your body in tune, especially if you have gone through physical therapy in the past due to injury from an accident or a sports injury. Our physical therapy team may recommend some exercises for you to do on your own to keep your body functioning properly.
A general acupuncture checkup is a great way to ensure the harmony of elements and free flowing qi. Taking care of these issues before blockages and disharmony take hold can prevent many symptom manifestations.
Finally, wellness massage (such as Swedish massage) is a refreshing way to cleanse your body’s muscles of accumulated toxins and work out tight or restricted muscles.
Even if you haven’t been to the doctor in a while, today is a great day to commit to the first of many annual checkups. Call Ravenswood Chiropractic & Wellness Center today at 773.878.7330 or schedule your wellness care appointment online.

Dr. DeFabio D.C. is a highly regarded chiropractor in Chicago who focuses on helping his patients achieve optimal health and wellness. He takes a holistic approach to care, treating symptoms and addressing underlying issues to promote long-term healing. Dr. DeFabio D.C. is passionate about empowering his patients to take control of their health and live their best lives. You can find him surfing, skateboarding, and volunteering at the Lakeview Food Pantry when he’s not in the office.