Acupressure for Headaches
Headaches are a common condition which will affect most people at some point during their lives. Acupressure is a simple, safe and convenient treatment which quickly relieves headaches without the need for medication. Here are some of the most useful acupressure points for headaches, and how to use them to help yourself and your family between your acupuncture appointments.

General Acupressure for Headaches
Point: GB 20
Time needed: 1-2 minutes
Benefits: Relieves and prevents a headache, particularly in the temple region and on the sides of your head. Tension Headaches and Temporal Headaches.
How: You can do either standing, sitting or lying on your back. Place your hands on the sides of your head and use your thumbs to find your nuchal line. The points are just by the large muscles running down the side your neck. Press your thumbs in and slightly go upwards until you feel a firm, yet a comfortable amount of pressure. Hold the pressure and massage in small circles for about 1-2 minutes.
Tips: While massaging, close your eyes to better focus on the points.
Point: TW 5
Time needed: 2-3 minutes
Benefits: Soothes headaches on the sides and top of the head or the forehead with stiff neck and shoulders, dizziness or high blood pressure.
How: This point is on the midline of the back of the lower arm, three finger widths up from the wrist joint. The point is found in the groove between the two bones of the lower arm, the ulna and the radius. Use your left thumb to stimulate the point on your right arm using a medium to firm pressure. Massage the point in small circular movements for 1-2 minutes then repeat on the other side.
Tips: Close your eyes and take some long, deep breaths. Focus on the points as you massage them. You can even use this point for earaches!
Acupressure Points for Frontal or Sinus Headaches
Point: LI 20
Time needed: 1-2 minutes
Benefits: Opens the nose and relieves nasal congestion or discharge. Also, it relieves headaches associated with sinusitis.
How: This point is located on either side of the nose, at the flare of the nostrils, in the crease between the nose and the outer corners of the mouth. Use your index fingers to apply medium pressure to both points, pushing slightly upwards and outwards towards the center of the eyes. Apply pressure for 1-2 minutes and release slowly if it becomes uncomfortable.
Tips: Take deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth and focus on the points as you press them. If you are unable to focus due to nasal congestion, combine this with Yin Tang.
Point: Yin Tang
Time needed: 1-2 minutes
Benefits: Relieves frontal headaches and dizziness, relieves nasal congestion and discharge, calms the mind and reduces anxiety.
How: This point is at the midpoint between the inner ends the two eyebrows. Use your thumb or index finger to apply a comfortable pressure to the point for 1-2 minutes.
Tips: Close your eyes and breathe deeply in and out as you stimulate the point. It can be combined with UB 2 and Yu Yao to relieve frontal headaches. Press each point in sequence starting from Yin Tang and working outwards. Stimulate each point for 1-2 minutes. If a headache wakes you up during the night, try doing an upward stroke at the point.
Point: UB 2
Time needed: 1-2 minutes
Benefits: Relieves frontal headaches, dizziness, and blurred vision or eyestrain.
How: This point is located in a small notch at the inner ends of the eyebrows, directly above the inner corner of the eyes. Use your thumbs or index fingers to apply medium pressure for 1-2 minutes.
Tips: Close your eyes and breathe deeply in and out as you stimulate both points. They can be combined with Yin Tang and Yu Yao to relieve frontal headaches. Press each point in sequence starting from Yin Tang and working outwards. Stimulate each point for 1-2 minutes.
Point: Yu Yao
Time needed: 1-2 minutes
Benefits: Relieves frontal headaches
How: This point is at the midpoint of the eyebrows, directly above the pupils with the eyes looking straight ahead. Use your thumbs or index fingers to apply medium pressure for 1-2 minutes.
Tips: Close your eyes and breathe deeply in and out as you stimulate both points. They can be combined with Yin Tang and UB 2 to relieve frontal headaches. Press each point in sequence starting from Yin Tang and working outwards. Stimulate each point for 1-2 minutes.
Acupressure Points for Temporal or One-sided Headaches
Points: GB 4, 5, 6 & 7
Time needed: 4-5 minutes
Benefits: Relieves one-sided headaches at the temples or around the eyes, dizziness and neck pain
How: These four points are evenly spaced in a line, running from GB 4 to GB 7. GB 4 is located inside the hairline just below the corner of the forehead, and GB 7 is level with, and one finger width in front of the uppermost point of the ear. Using your index fingers, massage each point with small circular movements for 1-2 minutes each. Start from GB 4 and work your way downwards towards GB 7.
Tips: Close your eyes, breathe deeply and focus on each of the points as you massage them.

Dr. Marlena Siroki, DACM, L.Ac. is an Acupuncturist in Chicago at Ravenswood Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Andersonville. Dr. Marlena, DACM, L.Ac., received her Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in Chicago. She is a Nationally Board-Certified Acupuncturist and Herbalist and Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, certified by the National Certificate Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.