What is ElectroAcupuncture?
Electroacupuncture is one of the many contemporary treatment tools derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine that is available to today’s acupuncturist. Used with or without acupuncture needles, electroacupuncture involves the application of small pulsating electrical currents at specific target acupuncture points on the body in order to stimulate muscles and nerves more efficiently.
How Does Electroacupuncture Work?
Modern battery-powered machines like the ones used in our office are quite small. The machine and it’s acupuncture needles are inter-linked with the help of small clips attached to wires. When the electrical current is activated, a mild thumping, or wave like sensation, which has been likened to that of a feather stroking the skin may be felt. A number of different frequencies and wave forms might be employed during electroacupuncture treatment, with the duration of the electrical current varying according to the patients condition.
How Does Electroacupuncture Differ from Traditional Acupuncture?
During electroacupuncture treatment the same target points are stimulated as in traditional acupuncture procedures (except in instances where electroacupuncture is used in conjunction with Dry Needling), needles are still inserted at specific target points along the body’s meridians. But in electroacupuncture, two needles are employed at the same time in order to pass the electrical impulse from one needle to the other, (usually stimulating several pairs of needles is possible for no longer than thirty (30) minutes at a time. The frequency and intensity of these impulses are adjusted depending on the particular condition being treated.
What Conditions May Benefit from Electroacupuncture?
Several health problems can benefit from the help of electroacupuncture. This procedure is frequently used to treat pain disorders, but it has many other advantages as well, including providing results with Sports Injuries, Asthma, Viral Infections, Depression, Paralysis, Eczema, Cancer, Kidney Stones, and many more Chronic Pain conditions.
Interested in Knowing More About Electroacupuncture?
If you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment with our acupuncturist call us at 773.878.7330