Acupuncture for Labor Induction
While the use of acupuncture during pregnancy dates back to the Shang Dynasty (1600-1100 BCE), very little is known in the West about the benefits of using acupuncture to induce labor naturally. In the following lines we are going to talk about the various stages of labor and the ways in which women can benefit with using acupuncture during the stages of cervical ripening, effacement, dialation and contractions.
Acupuncture for Cervical Ripening
“Cervical ripening” “Cervical dilation” and “effacement” are terms which you will hear from your healthcare provider towards the end of your pregnancy and throughout your labor. Acupuncture for cervical ripening and labor induction can boost your chances of having a more comfortable and less stressful vaginal birth. Licensed acupuncturists are specially trained to know which acupuncture points are helpful during each stage of pregnancy.
By conducting a computerized literature search over several databases, researchers from the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth, UK, found that acupuncture treatment which stimulates the points, Hegu and Sanyinjiao supports cervical ripening, and is able to shorten the time period between a woman’s expected date of delivery and the actual time of delivery.
According to a German study, cervical maturation was also more pronounced in women that received acupuncture treatment during pregnancy. Shorter labor times of 470+/-190 minutes were recorded as compared to 594+/-241 minutes with no acupuncture. Keeping that in mind, prenatal acupuncture treatment is advised for women with uncomplicated pregnancies as they approach term.
When Should I Come For Acupuncture ?
I’m in my first two trimesters …
Even though acupuncture can be used during all stages of pregnancy, best results can be achieved when women opt for acupuncture treatment either at the beginning of their pregnancy or by the start of their last trimester. This way things like morning sickness, insomnia, back pain can all be addressed along with toning muscles and flow of chi closer to birth. Addressing all these things together will make for a less stressful pregnancy and delivery.
I’m already past my due date / my due date is fast approaching …
Even for women who are close to or are past their due date, acupuncture treatment is very effective in relieving stress and that overwhelming pressure from our healthcare system that the baby has to “come today”. Sometimes, feeling less stressed is all that the baby and the mom need to start the baby’s journey. Acupuncture for labor induction in pregnancies that are close to or past term also gently tone and strengthen the muscles to prepare the body for childbirth.
Signifigant research and experience suggests that acupuncture treatment significantly reduces the chances of delivery by cesarean section.
Acupuncture is Safe
Using acupuncture does not come with any known side effects. A fact which has been backed by peer reviews and scientific studies such as those carried out by Rabl M, Ahner R, Bitschnau M, Zeisler, Prof. H, Husslein P-2001, which state that using acupuncture during pregnancy does not pose a single risk on the pregnancy or labor. Furthermore, according to the study which was conducted at Women’s & Children’s Hospital Adelaide University Hospital, Australia, the use of acupuncture during pregnancy does not increase the risks of any congenital anomalies, stillbirths, miscarriages, pregnancy induced hypertension or premature births.
Acupuncture at Ravenswood Chiropractic in Andersonville Can Help
Our Acupuncturist is an expert with treating pregnant women and can help with several conditions that women suffer with during pregnancy in addition to Labor Induction; from morning sickness and ligament pain, to premature cervical ripening, fatigue and gestational diabetes. To get access to treatment which is tailored to your needs, contact us today at 773-878-7330.