Sitting at a desk all day doesn’t have to mean that you’re doomed to poor posture and poor health. Dr. Todd C. Renn, D.C. will discuss specific exercises and controlled patterns of motion to help reduce the effect that sitting has on the body.
Now more than ever, many of us need to sit down at a desk or computer to do our jobs. Research has shown that sitting for long periods of time with little or no exercise before or after work can affect your posture as well as many other areas of your health.
Dr. Todd C. Renn, D.C. of Ravenswood Chiropractic will be giving a presentation that details all of the dangers associated with a sedentary lifestyle coupled with low physical activity. Dr. Renn will discuss how poor posture associated with sitting can lead to far worse consequences than a sore back.
Because poor posture causes the body to move differently than it normally would, the body compensates for being bent out of shape which leads to further problems. And while we most often associate poor posture with a sore back or neck, many studies have shown that it can also lead to increased risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, cancer, and overall mortality rate.
Poor posture can also affect:
That’s right, posture can even affect your emotional state. Studies have shown that people with poor posture have more negative thoughts and lower self-esteem than individuals who sit upright. Dr. Renn will discuss how body motion requires balance and movement patterns in the body that compensate and adapt to bad habits like poor posture.
Dr. Todd C. Renn, D.C. is a chiropractic physician based in Andersonville, Chicago. Dr. Renn has over 15 years of experience helping patients discover and address the true underlying issues that lead to their pain. Dr. Renn also works with a staff of massage therapists, nutritionists, acupuncturists, and physical therapists to help his patients achieve overall wellness.
For more information, contact Ravenswood Chiropractic & Wellness Center at 773.878.7330.
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