Join Us!
Sunday: April 17, 2016
1PM to 3PM-ish
For the Metro Edition of the Chicago Area Ataxia Support Group (CAASG)
My name is Topher Marsh. I am the leader of the Metro Edition of the Chicago Area Ataxia Support Group or CAASG. Ataxia is a very rare and quite debilitating neurological disease and movement disorder. My main intention forming this group is to get Ataxians out the house and into the public eye, and create a comfortable atmosphere to establish lifelong friendships and camaraderie.
This Month’s Special Presentation by:
MOCA-Modern Cannabis:Chicago’s Finest Medical Cannabis Dispensary
Step out, bring a friend, and learn something
Look at the support group section of for the suburban group facts.
If there are any questions you may have for me, my email address is