Ravenswood Chiropractic & Wellness Center is proud to be a 2020 Toys for Tots Drop Off Site for the U.S. Marine Corps reserve Toys for Tots Campaign.
We will be collecting new toys for children Now through December 10th during our normal office hours to help ensure distribution of toys this year!
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 12 PM – 7 PM
Friday 9-12 PM
Saturday 9 AM – 3 PM
Toy Drop Off is contactless. You will be directed to the drop off box in the hallway outside our door. Ring buzzer 105 for access.
Please note that Face Coverings must be worn inside the building.
Donated toys must be new, unwrapped, and not resemble weapons of any kind. Toys for tots will then distribute the toys to children in need on Christmas. The U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots program provides a “message of hope to less fortunate youngsters that will assist them in becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens.”
Our Goal is to collect 500 toys this year!!
For every toy donated you can enter your name into a raffle for a free one hour relaxation massage located next to the toy drop off collection bin. Winners will be announced the week after December 10th. Please be sure to include your preferred method of contact (email or phone).
For more information or updates on our holiday hours, please ask the front desk.
Happy Holidays!