Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy focuses on regaining and improving physical abilities by restoring range of motion and functionality of joints and muscles. Other goals of Physical Therapy include relieving pain and preventing or limiting permanent physical disabilities suffered from injury or disease. From the Wellness perspective, Physical Therapy encourages the enhancement and improvement of our patient’s fitness from whatever level they entered the program in. At Ravenswood Chiropractic & Wellness Center we treat a wide range of patients, each one with unique goals: athletes, accident victims, and infants born with musculoskeletal conditions to individuals with disabling conditions, such as low back pain, sciatica, arthritis, heart disease, fractures, and head injuries.
Exam and Review of Findings
The doctor may recommend that you participate in a physical therapy program. During your exam the doctor will assess your, range of motion, balance and coordination, strength, your posture using digital static kinematic analysis, and your muscle performance. You also will be assessed on your ability to resume your activities of daily living after injury or illness. The doctor will review his exam findings with you and explain any questions that you may have. You will receive a personalized treatment plan outlining the therapies that the doctor recommends will be best for you, the goals of the therapies, and the therapy’s anticipated outcome.
Is it Painful?
At Ravenswood Chiropractic & Wellness Center we throw the “No Pain – No Gain” philosophy out the door. A responsible therapy program should not be painful. Pain is a warning sign that something is wrong or that something has been pushed beyond its limits. Pain is our body’s way of telling us to stop. Our program and our therapists are easy to follow and take the time to explain each movement to you. Each session builds on the work done in the previous session and is designed to help you reach your goal as quickly and as safely as possible. Our therapy programs are well planned and balanced to include many of the benefits of exercise including increasing cardio efficiency, and endurance. Many of our patients achieve their ideal weight during our therapy program and find it easier to maintain their weight afterwards. Our patients also report having a better night’s sleep as well as improved mood and improved ability to recover from addictions to nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol.