Chicago Sports Medicine Wellness Center – Expert Shin Splints Treatment and Achilles Tendonitis Treatment
Leg Pain
Common Lower Leg Pain Conditions we see include:
Shin Splints
Inflammation of the muscle attachments and membrane of the tibia (shin bone) caused by inflexible calf muscles, tight Achilles tendons, or over-pronation.
Symptoms may include tenderness and pain alongside the outer portion of the shin, ordinarily about halfway down, sometimes extending up to the knee. Pain can be aggravated by weight-bearing activities such as walking or climbing stairs.
Treatment options for Shin Splints may include: Radial Shockwave Therapy, Class IV Laser, Ice, Orthotics, and Physical Therapy.
Tibial Stress Fracture
One of the most common injuries that athletes experience, tibial stress fractures are often mistaken for lower leg conditions (like shin-muscle tendon inflammation and compartment syndrome), due to a similarity in symptoms.
That makes it all the more important that such symptoms, including pain that increases during activity and subsides during rest, along with some tenderness and swelling around the inside of the calf, and possible numbness or weakness, be evaluated and diagnosed by a doctor for proper treatment.
Although stress fractures can occur at any point in either of the two bones of the lower leg, it is the tibia, and specifically 2-3” above the bony knob of the ankle where they most commonly occur. Stress fractures can be caused by overloading the weight on the leg or poor weight distribution, or it can be a cumulative result of many small impacts.
Treatment options for tibial stress fracture may include: orthotics, nutrition, activity modification, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation.
Achilles tendonitis (or tendinitis)
Inflammation of the large tendon that connects the two major muscles of the calf to the rear of the heel bone. When the achilles tendon is under excessive stress, as from being excessively tight or fatigued, it is forced to work increasingly hard. This causes inflammation and eventually can cause scar tissue to form. Left untreated, the Achilles can eventually tear or rupture.
Symptoms of Achilles tendonitis include a sharp or dull pain along the back side of the tendon, and most often near the heel, heat or redness over the area, restricted ankle flexibility, a cracking sound with no provoking ankle movement, and nodules, or lumps of scar tissue, felt along the tendon.
Treatment options for tibial achilles tendonitis include: Radial Shockwave Therapy, Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, and Custom Orthotics.
Read more about our treatment options for Achilles Tendonitis
Tennis leg
A rupture of one of the tendons that attach the gastrocnemius muscle behind the calf. This is generally caused by one of two abrupt motions: either by suddenly extending the knee when the foot is pointed toward the shin, or by suddenly pointing the foot toward the shin when the knee is extended. A snapping sound may be heard when the injury first occurs.
The most predominant symptom of tennis leg is a sharp pain in the area of the upper calf that patients often describe as felling like being “shot in the leg”. Symptoms in general include severe pain and swelling around the area.
Common risk factors for tennis leg are the racquet sports (i.e. tennis), soccer, and basketball, though degeneration of the tendon as people who exercise, age is also a common cause or contributor.
Treatment options for tennis leg include: physiotherapy, and a chiropractic rehabilitation program.
Chiropractic for Lower Leg Pain
During your first visit at our office, your chiropractic physician will discuss your symptoms with you, review a medical history, and conduct an examination. Once the doctor has diagnosed the cause of your lower leg pain, he will design a treatment program specific to you.
There’s no need to suffer another moment. Call us at Ravenswood Chiropractic & Wellness Center today (773) 878-7330 to get relief from your lower leg pain.